What avoid doing to your kids and why

Noone can tell you how exactly handle your kids. You’re the parent and each one of your kids is unique. However, there is strong scientific evidence about things that are better to avoid doing to them to avoid harmful consequences both in their childhood and adulthood.

Find out what Adverse Childhood Experiences to avoid and what health, psychological and social problems they cause in children’s lives. As a parent who might have lived through many of these experiences, learn to rely on your parental intuition and find out what may be suppressing your parental intuition so important to be able to raise your kids.

In our course, you will learn what all leads to parents hurting their children (both purposefully and unconsciously), and why your parents may have hurt you, as well as what you can do to avoid as much as possible unpleasant childhood experiences in your children. You will learn what the risk factors are for developing ACEs, and how to recognize your own unconscious complex behaviors when past pain overtakes the helm of your behavior.

Be prepared that during this seminar you’ll receive not only some science-based and evidence-based data about childhood experiences to avoid, but also a lot of questions to think about.

Outline of the seminar:

What are the healthy approaches towards kids and family members to nurture and unhealthy patterns to prevent

What 10 experiences to avoid in your kids’ lives to secure them a physically and mentally healthier life

How to nurture your parental intuition and deal with the things that distract you from it

What are the 3 key factors for becoming best version of yourself (for you and your kids)

How miscommunication might lead to unwanted consequences and how to be more aware of it

What leads to situations when parents start to hurt their kids

What are the complex reactions and how to recognize unconscious maladaptive reaction from your intuition

What can you do every day to nurture your intuition and suppress the unwanted automatic behavior

Course will be delivered in person including 1 hour consultation

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O lektorovi

Martin Zikmund je psychoterapeut a spoluautor projektu 13 hříchů rodičovstí. Zabývá se také školením pro firmy a dlouhodobě spolupracuje se Státním zdravotním ústavem v tématech týkajících se zvyšování resilience a zvládání stresu.

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Tento kurz nemá žádné sekce.